Animal Medical Center

Animal Medical Center

We are a Full Service Animal Hospital

Emergency Cases Take Priority

We appreciate your patience

We are growing! Career opportunities available for experienced medical staff and patient coordinators. Please contact us today at

Pet Care Services

General Medicine

In providing general pet medicine, Animal Medical Center can diagnose and treat a variety of pet medical needs. Our approach to diagnostic and therapeutic services is meant to allow you and your pet increased comfort while maintaining confidence that you are in capable hands. Our goal is to provide quality pet care and exceptional customer service.

Emergency Care Information
A Cute Dog — Fountain Valley, CA — Animal Medical Center

General Pet Medicine Includes the Following:

  • Cardiology

    Dr. Kendrick has a special interest in Cardiology and has had extensive post graduate training in this field. We have the capability with our state-of-the-art imaging equipment and extensive experience and knowledge to properly diagnose your pets heart condition. We can perform our own echocardiograms and have extensive experience and expertise. We can increase the quality of most of our patients lives and extend their lifespan in many instances.

  • Dentistry

    In an added effort to provide your pet with quality care, we offer pet dental services in our veterinary office. It is estimated that 80% of pets exhibit the beginning stages of periodontal disease by age 3, which is why dental exams and teeth cleanings are essential. Also, studies indicate that pets with good oral hygiene tend to live 2 to 4 years longer than pets who neglect dental care. While periodontal disease is entirely preventable, when left untreated it can lead to cardiac disease, kidney infection, liver infection, and a general decrease in their quality of life.

  • Dermatology

    Skin disease or irritation can cause distress. To relieve that suffering, we offer dermatological testing and treatment that can help your pet live comfortably. In trying to diagnose and treat skin disorders, your role as a pet owner is essential. Discovering what causes flare-ups and irritation is very important. Pay attention to your pet’s reaction after eating, playing outside, and interacting with other animals. During your appointment, the veterinarian will discuss your observations to determine a series of laboratory tests that will help diagnose or treat your pet’s skin issues.


    • Severe itching and scratching, inflammation, scabbing, flaking, smelly skin
    • Flea allergy dermatitis. 
    • Hair loss.
    • Ear infections. 
    • Hormonal disorders (endocrinopathies such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's Disease, diabetes)
    • Parasitic, bacterial, or fungal infections. 
    • Skin allergies caused by contact, environment, or food. 
    • Skin cancer.
    • Auto-immune disorders.


    Our veterinarians will work with you and your pet to determine a treatment plan that is manageable. Diagnostic testing is the most direct route to determining an effective treatment plan. Trying to find the best method of therapy is an ongoing process that may take several attempts in order to discover an effective treatment.

    To help with diagnosis, we may perform the following tests to supplement our initial prognosis of your pet’s condition:


    A biopsy is often performed to diagnose various skin cancers and autoimmune skin disorders. A biopsy is executed by removing the affected skin, processing it, and examining the sample under a microscope. By enlarging the area, the veterinarian can usually determine the underlying issue.

    Allergy testing

    A simple blood test which screens for allergens in our geographic location provides the information needed to develop an immunotherapy which can effectively reduce your pets allergic symptoms.

    Skin Culture and Sensitivity

    This diagnostic testing allows us to determine the type of bacteria that may be causing or contributing to your pet's skin condition, and to test for antibiotic resistance or sensitivity to the our antibiotics.

    Blood tests

    Blood cell counts and serum chemistry tests allow us to determine if internal causes, such as Cushing's Disease or hypothyroidism are a cause of your pet's skin disease.

    Skin scraping

    If you have any questions about pet dermatology or think your pet might have a skin condition, contact our office today.

  • Radiology

    To provide your pet with superior medical care, we perform diagnostic imaging.

    Types of diagnostic imaging we provide:

    • High Quality Digital X-rays
    • Ultrasounds including Echocardiology
    • Video endoscopy
    • Video guided minimally invasive laparoscopy, including exploratory and surgical procedures
    • Dental X-Rays

  • Ophthalmology

    Veterinary ophthalmology is a branch of pet medicine that focuses on eye care and ocular disease prevention. Annual pet vision exams evaluate current eye health, measuring tear production, eye pressure, and potential corneal scratches. If more serious issues are detected, such as glaucoma, cataracts, early vision loss, or dry eye problems, they will be addressed, and treatment will be planned. During treatment planning, all options and recommendations will be thoroughly discussed so we can build an effective and comfortable vision procedure for you and your pet.


    • Abnormal growth near or on the eye or eyelid. 
    • Behavioral changes, namely a sense of depression. 
    • Bumping into objects or seemingly lost in a familiar setting.
    • Discoloration of the iris or pupil. 
    • Hazy film over pupil.
    • Increase in discharge from eyes. 
    • Pawing and rubbing eyes. 
    • Red, swollen eyes. 
    • Sensitivity to light or squinting.


    The following tests are performed at routine pet vision exams. Each vision test is cautious of pet comfort and does not cause pain. If serious problems are detected, treatment options, including surgery, will be discussed.

    Fluorescein Stain

    By inserting drops of a florescent green stain on the eye, the veterinarian will be able to detect secretion from any sores. The bright green stain rests in scratches and on wounds so the veterinarian can easily detect them.

    Intraocular Pressure Test

    The veterinarian will use an instrument that reads eye pressure and rest it gently on the surface of the eye.

    Schirmer Tear Test

    The veterinarian will place a small strip of test paper beneath your pet’s eyelid with the intention of irritating the surface of the eye. This irritation will cause the eye to water, allowing the vet to test the amount of tears produced per minute.


    Pet vision is vastly different from human eyesight with the primary distinctions being visual acuity and color spectrum. Pets have fewer cones in their retina, limiting the amount of colors they can see. Because of this, pets can only distinguish between yellow, white, blue, violet, and black. Your pet also has a much wider field of vision than humans do, but their acuity is limited to a range of about 20 feet. The final difference is pets have an additional structure in their eye called a tapetum. This tapetum enables pets to have more accurate night vision by gathering light and increasing what is able to be seen.

Preventative Care

Our goal is to nurture happy, healthy pets. Our preventative program relies on the cooperation between pet-owner, pet, and our veterinarians to communicate and work as a team. To maintain essential pet health, we recommend a combination of routine check-ups, balanced nutrition, regular vaccinations, and early disease detection.

Preventing pet illness is the duty of a responsible pet owner, and we strongly recommend adopting this attitude toward veterinary care.

A Small Dog — Fountain Valley, CA — Animal Medical Center
  • Heartworms

    Heartworms cause serious problems for dogs. Many pet owners have dogs with early stages of heartworm disease and don’t know it. Heartworm disease can be prevented and often cured in dogs but is fatal if left untreated. Pet owners should have their dogs tested for heartworm disease annually whether they are already on preventative medication.

  • Parasite Control

    Diagnosing parasites in your pet is an integral aspect of pet care. While nearly 85% of kittens and puppies are born with parasitic infections, most animals develop immunity over time. However, illness and stress can weaken the body’s response to fight off these parasites and can awaken any dormant larvae living in your pet.

    Parasites affect growth and development and can be transferred between pets and pet owners. We perform fecal exams and other clinical tests to detect microscopic parasite infestations.

  • Pet Wellness Exams

    Pets age faster than humans. While their lives progress more quickly, serious medical conditions do too. Annual pet wellness exams can help detect serious medical conditions allowing our facility to treat them before their status becomes unmanageable. In seeing your veterinarian annually, you can discuss your pet’s future health outlook and ask questions about any existing conditions. Prior to your pet’s wellness exam, note any severe changes that have occurred with your pet including vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, weight gain/loss, excessive thirst, or increased aggression. If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms or has developed any abnormal behavior since their last wellness exam, please inform the veterinarian.

  • Pet Vaccinations

    For most pets, routine vaccinations start around the age of 6 to 8 weeks old and continue regularly throughout adulthood. Some vaccinations are even combined into a single syringe so a pet experiences fewer injections. After being vaccinated, most young pets take about 5 days to build protective antibodies with complete protection taking place after 14 days. Some vaccines require multiple dosages given over a short period of time, and most require booster shots every 6 months to 3 years. When a disease is detected, your vaccinated pet’s immune system quickly responds, decreasing severity of the illness or preventing it altogether.

Health Certificates

If you are traveling with your pet anywhere outside of the State of California, you are required to obtain a Health Certificate that must accompany your pet. Our veterinarians are licensed by the USDA to issue health certificates to dogs and cats traveling to any state in the USA or country outside of the United States. In order to issue a Health Certificate, we must examine your pet and determine that it is free of transmissible infectious diseases. This certificate must be issued 10 days or less from your departure date. Some countries have special requirements for pets traveling into their territory. It is best to inform yourself directly with their consulate, usually in Los Angeles, to find out the latest requirements. Also, it is best to inform yourself with the airline you may be traveling with as to their requirements as well.

Black Cat — Fountain Valley, CA — Animal Medical Center
Cat Having A Checkup — Fountain Valley, CA — Animal Medical Center


Even the most responsible pet owner could leave the garage door open or forget to close the gate, resulting in a lost pet. Microchipping your beloved pet could be the difference between having your pet returned and not being able to find them. While it is estimated that nearly 3 million pets in shelters are euthanized annually, some of those animals are pets whose owners were unable to find them.

Pet Nutrition

Proper nutrition, including controlling your pet’s weight, seriously affects pet health, especially as your pet ages. We carry prescription diets for all of your pet's medical conditions.

Newly Groomed Dog — Fountain Valley, CA — Animal Medical Center
Cute Dog With Collar — Fountain Valley, CA — Animal Medical Center

Laser Therapy

The Companion Therapy Laser System can provide immediate results without any dangerous side effects.

This is the latest technology in health care for your pet. This FDA cleared, deep-penetrating laser light allows relief of pain through the release of endorphins and stimulate the injured cells to heal at a faster rate.

Laser Therapy Provides Relief!

  • Laser Therapy allows your pet to heal faster after surgery and any traumatic injury.
  • It eases pain and improves mobility without the use of pharmaceuticals and surgery
  • The therapy provides your geriatric animals relief of aches and pains, and allows for more freedom and improved quality life
  • Everyday disorders such as lick granulomas and chronic ear infections that cause severe pain and discomfort, are instantaneously relieved
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